Using SSH Keys on Cloud Platforms


  • openssl.exe req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout myPrivateKey.key -out myCert.pem
    • We will mostly use the .key file
    • The .pem file is only needed for Classic deployments. Typically we wont use this.


  • Look up use of req :
    • The req command primarily creates and processes certificate requests . Thats why the output of req is a cerificate (myCert.pem)
    • But we are interested in the private key (myPrivateKey.key). Hence we are using the -keyout flag




  • In AWS,  the private key is saved in a .pem file . you just use the .pem file to connect to the instances.
    • Ideally the .pem extension is for certificates, not for keys.
    • This was one of my confusions – because AWS saves the key in the .pem file 



  • Use ssh-agent to store private keys. Makes life much simpler!


NPM v/s Bower – Intro

This is a nice intro to NPM.


And here’s a nice intro to NPM.


This post captures some difference between npm and bower:




Visualization Using D3 (and dependent libraries)

This link gives a nice summary of data visualization libraries using D3:

Interestingly, it mentions mermaid and rickshaw! Two cool libraries I recently came across

Real time:


Details running R Scripts

  • trace(functionName, edit=TRUE).  Then write browser() where you want it to break
  • source(‘~/scripts/trial3_criteo_ensembles_ag.R’, echo=TRUE)
  • Rscript -e “.libPaths()”

Other functions in R I didn’t know:

  • class(score)
  • names(score)
  • head(criteoTest)
  • class(criteoTest)
  • rxGetVarInfo(criteoTest)
  • warnings()
  • sapply(score, class)

Alias method

“You are given an n-sided die where side i has probability pi of being rolled. What is the most efficient data structure for simulating rolls of the die?”

A very similar question was posted to me recently  :

The approaches above are very cool, and illustrate the use of augmented search trees.

However, it seems there is a better method for this problem – and it has been out there for a while now. This was a fascinating read :

Additional pointers for the alias method:



Docker. Getting Started.

For installing docker on Ubuntu 18.04 [bionic] and to ensure the docker files are stored in /mnt   (insted of root filesystem)







docker cp <containerId>:/file/path/within/container /host/path/target

Feature Scaling in SGD

SGD is the perfect algorithm for use in online learning. Except it has one major drawback – is sensitive to feature scaling.

In some of my trials with the SGD learner in scikit-learn, I have seen terrible performance if I don’t do feature scaling.

Which begs the question – How does VW do feature scaling ? After all VW does online learning.


It seems VW uses a kind of SGD that is scale variant:

